We love a little behind the scenes sneaky peek via social media- it’s a bit like stalking but without the danger of the police knocking at your door!
If you’d like to stalk us and get a glimpse of what goes on behind the scenes here at eclectica, you can find us on Facebook, Instagram (Jodie’s personal favourite – as a former picture editor in the magazine biz – photography and illustration is her thing) You can also find us on Twitter (the whole 140 characters things is a tad tricky for us ‘Chatty Cathy’s‘ though!) and we’ve just set-up some Pinterest boards
We share the work in progress shots from our local makers and artists, like Murray over at Something Quirky, who in the picture below is turning a bowl from his TYMBR range:
You can also see glimpses from our own preparations – such as working on our Valentine’s window display (very top picture) and you’ll be the first to see when we get new products in – like the time we modelled the new bum-tastic Boom Shankar pants! Cheeky!
Be good to see you!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EclecticaLudlow
Pinterest: https://uk.pinterest.com/eclecticaofludl/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eclecticaofludlow/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eclecticaofludlow/